Editorial illustration
Difficult days
Motherhood is a moment when your life changes into something so rich, powerful, and demanding all at once, that it can feel almost unbearable.
Visual concepts, illustration, and graphics. Didactique visuelle et esperimenti vari.
Editorial illustration
Motherhood is a moment when your life changes into something so rich, powerful, and demanding all at once, that it can feel almost unbearable.
Just another animation experiment.
A sun-kissed barren land, that holds many of my memories, serves as the inspiration for a collection of ceramic tiles.
Visual pedagogy
When we reflect on our emotional relationship with time, we can sense its flow. We distinguish between the past and the future through memories, the traces left behind, and the anticipations we create.
Animated films and children's stories are timeless artworks that continue to speak to our souls, encouraging us to cherish the wonder and curiosity of life. No matter our age.
Visual pedagogy
Imagine a transportable briefcase designed to help children understand the environmental impact of toys.
Visual pedagogy
In a world where LLM are rapidly generating outcomes, I feel a sense of contribution by sharing the human side of my work: the process.
The art school didn't work this year, but the new direction has been traced. I know where I want to go, and I guess that's where I'll start from.