
Hi, I’m Simona – nice to meet you, and welcome to my personal archive.

Me in 2021, drawing on an iPad at Halle Tropisme in Montpellier © the lovely Sara Götz

This is the place where I aim to collect my findings, researches, and experiments.

The articles featured on this site describe my humanly imperfect creation process, and question topics that deeply passionate me. Unless stated otherwise, I am the author of the illustrations that accompany the words. Feel free to look around, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a question, want to discuss a project, or just want to say hi!

As I mentioned in my first article, I spent the last 15 years searching for a label that would fit me. However, as my work (and I) kept evolving, no single label could really keep up with the changes I’ve gone through – and continue to experience.

We’re human, after all – wonderful humans, capable of a myriad of things. There are no single words that can fully capture, nor boxes that can contain, our unique, multifaceted nature.

If you’d like to see what I’m up to and the projects I’ve worked on in the past couple of years, feel free to get in touch, and I’d be happy to send over my portfolio. But if you’re someone who loves to put a label on things, no hard feelings: here you go 🙃

💌 sym at simonacasolari.com
🐥 Alsace, France
🐣 Emilia Romagna, Italy